new proposal...
The way you turn out is going to be a reflection of something. It can’t all be happenstance. I know I am a product of things like the sea and my mother. She is the one with time. And the ocean was there.
But there is this other part. This big encompassing part that doesn’t come from anything overt. I think it is from my Granddad Myers. Mom’s dad. Earl.
He drove half-ton-pick-ups and worked as contractor and home builder. Smoked cigarettes and worked hard enough to break his knuckles. The smoking broke his lungs. He grew up in Dartmouth in a house that is gone now. He raised his family in a house that he built. That house is still there. His brother Reg had a soda fountain. My dad calls it a convenience store. But he is wrong because it served banana splits and floats and that sort of thing. Earl brought cracker jack home for my mother and aunt and uncles on Friday nights. Fish and chips some other night.
He was all-simple and hard working and did good things for his family but he lived with hard things. He had a son who got sick and died before his first birthday. Gary. And he accidently shot and killed a man named Cook in the woods while hunting for deer. He drank at some point years later.
I want to research the hunting accident and the circumstances surrounding his drinking. I would also like to identify as many of the houses he built as possible. I see this work being quite documentative with the results of my research being presented through different mediums.