Sunday, August 30, 2009

suburban blue

this was his colour. 34 old ferry road. aunt elsie's on sinclair street. the cottage in porter's lake. playhouse furniture. the workshop.

things to build

project title earl myers in half tone reader board letters.

illuminated from behind.

things to build

1953 ford f100 grill. his first truck. worked hard and well kept. v-8 motor.

on saw horse frame.

things to build

diamonds. his trademark. in doors in railings in chair backs in windows. and so on.

because they were stylish. and because they were challenging.

to be painted suburban blue.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

from orioles practice, mccaren park

Saturday, August 15, 2009

orioles, grand st campus.
the baseball field was double booked so they had to play on the soccer/football field.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

baseball season is over.
i'm going through pics..editing is tough.
anxious to move forward onto part two of project.

i'm in ohio for the week.

a little inspiration: glen erler

Saturday, August 1, 2009

after practice

gabrielle, of the yankees, with his cousins and new pup.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

earl myers drove a 53 ford f100

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

stillwater, nova scotia

this is how i will photograph the woods where my grandfather had a hunting accident.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

new proposal...

The way you turn out is going to be a reflection of something. It can’t all be happenstance. I know I am a product of things like the sea and my mother. She is the one with time. And the ocean was there.

But there is this other part. This big encompassing part that doesn’t come from anything overt. I think it is from my Granddad Myers. Mom’s dad. Earl.

He drove half-ton-pick-ups and worked as contractor and home builder. Smoked cigarettes and worked hard enough to break his knuckles. The smoking broke his lungs. He grew up in Dartmouth in a house that is gone now. He raised his family in a house that he built. That house is still there. His brother Reg had a soda fountain. My dad calls it a convenience store. But he is wrong because it served banana splits and floats and that sort of thing. Earl brought cracker jack home for my mother and aunt and uncles on Friday nights. Fish and chips some other night.

He was all-simple and hard working and did good things for his family but he lived with hard things. He had a son who got sick and died before his first birthday. Gary. And he accidently shot and killed a man named Cook in the woods while hunting for deer. He drank at some point years later.

I want to research the hunting accident and the circumstances surrounding his drinking. I would also like to identify as many of the houses he built as possible. I see this work being quite documentative with the results of my research being presented through different mediums.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

little league

maybe its about time i start sharing.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

dear all

i just got back from north carolina right now, i will have contact sheets for you in not too long. i believe steph will also have work to share shortly as she is also just recently back in town and no doubt shot a ton on her travels.

i have also been trying to write a story that i was wondering if you all would review, i will share it via email once i get my things unpacked, it is patchy at best right now, but worth a go.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i am shooting and shooting. and something is different. i think finally these guys have changed. i have barely seen them.

both of these are from the same night of fishing. they are both bad. especially the kneeling down one. looks like a page from ll bean.

i am starting a new approach.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Little League team in brooklyn. last week had my first practice and game.  i rented a 50 mm and 150mm. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Tickets for North Carolina are booked. Step one of part of summer project complete. 

Looking forward to seeing fog Jame. Why the middle aged man?

On an unrelated note...

From the kitchen at 736 Humboldt:

Friday, May 15, 2009

summer projects

1. I want to spend some time in Ohio photographing my sister - Adriana. She's 13 now. I'm going up the second week of June. 
2. I will also be making trips to Toronto this summer. There I want to photograph my cousins again- Nathalie, Caroline and Katherine Guennel. Nathalie has just finished her first year at university. The twins - Caroline and Katherine, will be finishing high school and come September, Katherine is leaving to a different city for university, so it will be the last time they will be living together at home. It has been nearly three years since I last photographed them for my young girl series. I may be shooting in colour this time..and mix in artificial light too. We'll see. 
3. In New York, a smaller series, photograph Mimi before she leaves..continue within same style as feb 12th post on my blog. shooting tight, very much concentrating on women figure, sensuality and sexual tension within the body. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

chris boyne

I hold a set of confused childhood memories. Things I was unclear about years ago and still feel someone mystified by today. My curiosity is still peaked.

The confusion in these memories comes from the same place as most illogical childhood thinking- is it play it be ear or play it by year, do unicorns exist, etc. but there have been no moments of clarity with these memories. I am as unsure now as then.

This summer I would like to try and document the basis for these memories- Tolson Winter’s Christmas tree- the boat Joey and Donald and I had. And so on. Maybe there will be answers.

I would also like to continue working on a long term project documenting the type of life I had growing up with this one group of boys. I have had these friends since a very young age. No one has given up. We all still know each other.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I guess I am supposed to write what I said in that email here:

I'm going to photograph my Grandmother's things, we'll see what happens from there. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

proposals due may 15